Friday, February 24, 2012

Three concepts

Neurology: the scientific study of the nervous systemespecially in respect to its structure, functions, and abnormalities, such as infarction of the brain, epilepsy, apoplexy and stroke etc.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.

o Schizophreniform Disorder;
o Mood disorder ( Depress, mania, apathy hypersomnia, insomnia, suicidal ideation, psychomotor retardation, anhedonia);
o Anxiety disorder (phobia, egodystonic thoughts, compulsion, obsession, panic, agoraphobia etc.).
Psychology is the science of mind and behavior.

Please read the following information for thosewho have panic problems:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Genetic origins of the Cancers


Many people think of cancer as a single disease, however, it actually results from more than 1,000 different disorders in normal cell and tissue function. All cancers have one feature in common: They all are diseases of uncontrolled cell division. For healthy people, the body regulates the production of new cells very precisely. But in cancer patients, gene mutation lead to breakdowns in the cell communication and growth control normal in healthy cells. Out of the normal control, cancer cells can become invasive and spread to other parts of the body. As a consequence, normal tissue and organ functions may be seriously disrupted.

Mutation in two main groups genes are closely related with cancers:

A: Proto-oncogenes, which encode for proteins important for normal cell behavior including proliferation, differentiation and survival. Proto-oncogenes will be converted to ongogenes by the change in gene structure, location, or function. At this stage, the proto-oncogenes become into the oncogenes.

Oncogens can be categorized to the following groups:
  • Growth Factors: COLIA1-PDGFB, PDGF etc.
  • Receptors: v-erb-b, EGF-receptor etc.
  • Plasma membrane GTP-binding proteins: KRAS, Ras etc.
  • Nonreceptor protein kinases: BRAF, Raf kinase etc.
  • Transcription factors: MYC, v-jun, V-fos etc.
  • Cell-cycle or cell-death regulators: CYCD1, CDK4 and BLC2
B: Tumor Suppressors: Tumor suppressor genes encode for proteins that regulate cell survival and slow or stop cell proliferation.  Cells with mutation in these genes, will ignore signals that direct them to apoptosis.
 Examples of tumor suppressor genes: APC, BRCA1, BRCA2, SMAD4, NF-1, NF-2, CDKN2A, p53, RB, HL and WF1.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Panic attack or heart attack?

The symptoms of a panic attack appear suddenly, without any apparent cause. They may include: racing or pounding heartbeat; chest pains; stomach upset; dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, difficulty breathing; tingling or numbness in the hands; hot flashes or chills; trembling and shaking; dreamlike sensations; terror and fear of dying.

Panic attacks may be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. These attacks are a serious health problem in the U.S. At least 20% of adult Americans, or about 60 million people, will suffer from panic attacks at some point in their lives. About 1.7% of adult Americans, or about 3 million people, will have full-blown panic disorder at some time in their lives, twice as often for women than men.

Its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack. So if you do not have heart disease history and you are young (especially the teenagers) for suffer the hear attack, and you live in some sort of stress. You are most likely experiencing the anxiety disorder.

In this situation, first adjusting your home dishes, especially taking more vitamin B complex, banana (supply sodium ion) etc. will help; second, try to release your stress, change work or study environment etc.Taking medicine is not always the first choice, which will make you more dependent on the medicine; some people have to take the medicine over his/her life time.